J. E. Rodriguez Ramirez, Y. Minami: Design of Neural Network Quantizers for Networked Control Systems, electronics, Vol. ??, No. ?? (2019)
J. E. Rodriguez Ramirez, Y. Minami: Design of Neural Network Quantizers for Networked Control Systems, electronics, Vol. ??, No. ?? (2019)
http://www.airpf.or.jp 自己組織化照明システムの開発
T. Aoki, M. Ishikawa, and Y. Minami: Dynamic feedback control of nonholonomic cross-chained systems using transverse function approach, 24th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, pp. 468–471, (2019/1), Beppu
水口 佑太, 池田 智裕, 南裕樹, 石川将人:強化学習による分散質量駆動型転がり移動ロボットの制御,平成30年度SICE関西支部・ISCIE 若手研究発表会, C3-4, pp. 180-182 (2019/1), 大阪 平野貴裕, 南裕樹, 石川将人:モデルベース強化学習のための敵対的生成ネットワークによる環境ダイナミクス予測,平成30年度SICE関西支部・ISCIE 若手研究発表会, C3-3, pp. 175-179 (2019/1), 大阪 篠原健太, 南裕樹, 石川将人:横方向車輪を有するヘビ型ロボットの強化学習による運動獲得,平成30年度SICE関西支部・ISCIE 若手研究発表会, C3-2, pp. 171-174 (2019/1), 大阪
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Y. Hwang, Y. Minami, M. Ishikawa: Virtual torque sensor for low-cost RC servo motors based on dynamic system identification utilizing parametric constraints, Sensors, Vol. xx, No. xx, pp. xxx–xxx (2018)
Y. Minami and T. Muromaki: Development of a Three-Dimensional Distributed Lighting Control System, SICE Annual Conference 2018, pp. 336–337, (2018/9), Nara
J. E. Rodriguez Ramirez, Y. Minami, and K. Sugimoto: Design of Quantizers with Neural Networks: Classification Based Approach, 2018 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications (NOLTA2018), pp. 312–315 (2018/9), Tarragona
H. Okajima, Y. Minami, and N. Matsunaga: A Control Structure for Unilateral System with Communication Rate Constraint, SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration, Vol. XX, No. XX, pp. xxx–xxx (2018)
Y. Minami and Y. Takamoto: Development of a distributed lighting control system, Artificial Life and Robotics, Vol.xxx, No.xxx, pp.xxx-xxx (2018)
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J. E. Rodriguez Ramirez, Y. Minami, and K. Sugimoto: Synthesis of Event-triggered Dynamic Quantizers for Networked Control Systems, Expert Systems With Applications, Vol.xxx, No.xxx, pp.xxx-xxx (2018)
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Y. Minami, and Y. Iwai : Prediction Governors for Input-Affine Nonlinear Systems and Application to Automatic Driving Control, Robotics, Vol. xx, No. x, pp. xxx–xxx (2018)
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Sorry, this entry is only available in 日本語.
Y. Takamoto, Y. Minami, and K. Sugimoto: Development and control of distributed lighting control system, 23rd International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, pp. 291–294, (2018/1), Beppu